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Directories (55)
Name# Files   Name# Files   Name# Files
Amazing John Guilgud! Color2   Arthur meets Lancelot! Color2   Close-up_ Sean Connery! Color2
Connery & Ormond! Color2   Gere & Ormond! Color2   Guinevere & her horse! Color2
Hero Richard Gere! Color2   In love! Color2   Julia Ormond close-up! Color2
Kingly Connery! Color2   Lancelot & Guinevere! Color2   Lancelot saves Guinevere! Color2
MAC_ Broken heart! Clip2   MAC_ Camelot 2 Sound2   MAC_ Camelot! Clip2
MAC_ Charge! Sound2   MAC_ Draw swords! Sound2   MAC_ First Knight Interactive2
MAC_ First Knight Magazine2   MAC_ He's the law! Sound2   MAC_ I believe! Sound2
MAC_ I Can't! Sound2   MAC_ Kettle Drums! Sound2   MAC_ Lancelot! Clip2
MAC_ Musical intro! Sound2   MAC_ Named Camelot! Sound2   MAC_ One moment! Sound2
MAC_ Passion! Clip2   MAC_ The Sword! Sound2   MAC_ War Sounds! Sound2
Please leave! Color2   She loves him! Color2   Sir John Guilgud! Color2
The royal wedding! Color2   The trial! Color2   WIN_ Adventure! Clip2
WIN_ Broken heart! Clip2   WIN_ Camelot 2 Sound2   WIN_ Camelot! Clip2
WIN_ Charge! Sound2   WIN_ Draw swords! Sound2   WIN_ First Knight Interactive2
WIN_ He's the law! Sound2   WIN_ Honor! Clip2   WIN_ I believe! Sound2
WIN_ I Can't! Sound2   WIN_ I want you! Sound2   WIN_ Kettle Drums! Sound2
WIN_ Lancelot! Clip2   WIN_ Musical intro! Sound2   WIN_ Named Camelot! Sound2
WIN_ One moment! Sound2   WIN_ Passion! Clip2   WIN_ The Sword! Sound2
WIN_ War Sounds! Sound2

Text (1)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
url.txt Text File 1 15b 2014-12-11